Saturday, March 28, 2009

Calling all angels...

Just out of curiosity - what does a prince do again?

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Peace Gathering March 21, 2009

My friend Eva organized this amazing trip to Bowditch Point at Fort Myers Beach. 8am. Now I ask you, can there be anything more fantastic than going to a beach, in Florida, in March, at 8am, with a group of people to celebrate peace? These are rhetorical questions because the answer is "probably". I'm not thinking about it now......

It really was spectacular, very quiet. As Jim and I walked down the path to the point, we saw out group. He went on and I heard a strange blowing sound. It was a dolphin, coming up for air. The point was "littered" with them. They were ALL around - racing eachother, coming very near the shore. Gratitude.

I ran into several people I already knew and met a few. One woman, Carol, asked me about life - to which I commented about the dating misadventures. She asked me if I wasn't seeing that guy from out of town anymore and Voila! William was there. He really was a good friend. Love

Eva led us in a sweet meditation where I was able to send peace to people around the world and specifically to people in the realm of my heart - if you're reading this you were one of them, a while rose pedal was melted onto your head to flow into your heart. That is peace for me.

Finally we were given the opportunity to release a bird. When I set my intention and allowed the bird to fly off, I turned around and saw a group of over 40 birds take flight - someone in the group commented - "your intention is duplicated Teri".
Robert Kennedy has a water feature at his grave - one drop of water is released causing ripples to travel the rest of the way in the shallow rectangle of water. I rather enjoy being a drop.
Peace everyone!

Kissing Frogs

I mean - ugh!

I have these three friends at work - they're getting quite a kick out of my dates. I'm seriously thinking of blogging them - I could write a book, "The Misadventures of Teri - Dates from Hell"

Got me to thinking about the whole process of a relationship and the amount of energy and effort it takes to establish and then maintain one that is healthy and productive. Since I'm no expert when it comes to men - I believe this requires further research. More dates I suppose.

All this has also allowed me to look back and see where things went wrong in the past. Between the work I do with Global and my desire to really connect with another human being - I feel I more get it than I ever have in the past. I see where I created a part of the failure. It's liberating to take responsibility.

So, what's next? Kissing more frogs. In looking for the picture I came across a great blog by someone named Pamela where she writes:

"There is a fairy tale about a Princess kissing a frog in order to break a spell and return the frog to the Prince that he was before the spell was cast. She wants that Prince. In fact, she believes she deserves that Prince!
It takes a lot of persistence and faith to keep kissing frogs without the guarantee of a good outcome.
Dreams are wonderful to have - they come from your imagination and represent those things that you think would be lovely to have in your life. And the wish that your dreams come true is a lovely thought. But, um, what is missing here if you just keep kissing frogs and nothing good seems to be happening?
Maybe you’ve heard this story:
A dream, a wish, and a goal walk into a diner.
The dream says: “I would love to have a big juicy cheeseburger and a side of hand-cut fries. Man, wouldn’t than be awesome“
The wish says: “That would be great. I wish I could have a cheeseburger. Maybe someday.“
The goal says: “I’m going to get a burger and fries. You guys want anything?“
The big “aha!” here:
A dream is what happens when you close your eyes - a goal is what happens when you open them."

Definately something to consider - whether it be a relationship, hamburger, or any dream at all.